I put no thought into this

The finest in the inane details and unimportant trials of my life. Sometimes includes real stories that I just can't top by making stuff up.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Beware the Ides of March

I've been having a hard time writing anything coherent lately and while for this little blog, it really does not matter as it contains my inane ramblings, I'd like to feel what I offer you is at least of mediocre quality, but I'm not even acheiving that.

On a side note, today for me was a holiday. I like to feel that the Ides of March is a special day for some reason, even though celebrating a cold blooded murder is kind of an odd thing. It's kind of like a negative holiday in which I feel the need to tell everyone to watch themselves on that day.

Of course, it's not as cool as wearing a black arm band for extra credit in Latin, but it's still cool none the less. Some people feel that St. Patrick's Day is more important, but I disagree. It's just more celebrated. A lot of people in America have some Irish ancestry, but it takes real courage to celebrate an event that happened over 2000 years ago that you probably have no ancestral connection to.


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