I put no thought into this

The finest in the inane details and unimportant trials of my life. Sometimes includes real stories that I just can't top by making stuff up.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Grrr... this made me mad

Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't stores have to give you an item at the lowest marked price by law? I went into a convenience store the other day, got a fountain soda and a hot dog, which were advertised for $1.99. When the cashier wrong them up, she wrung them up for $2.53 before taxes. I pointed out the error and she brought someone else in.

Instead of correcting the mistake, she tells me I should have read the sign from the front (excuse me, but it doesn't work this way you stupid twit) and that she couldn't ring them up for the advertised price.

I said forget it and then she tried to wring them up again. I told her she was wrong. She said she wasn't. (Even though she was.) I told her by law she was wrong and left the cup and hot dog on the counter and left.

Normally, I'd be on the poor CSR's side, but this woman made some key errors, including arguing with the customer and not honoring the sign regardless of whether or not the store believed people should read the front of it only. (Excuse me, but the other side was plainly visible and you are bound by law to honor it.) I doubt the woman will get fired as I do not plan on pushing the incident, but I'm not eager to go back to that store again.


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