I put no thought into this

The finest in the inane details and unimportant trials of my life. Sometimes includes real stories that I just can't top by making stuff up.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

FEMA Katrina Funds used for Sex Change

I'll have a link to this later. Although this does generally confirm my low opinion of humanity at the same time highly amusing me.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Shouldn't overdraft protection protect you from all overdrafts?

I deposited my meager paycheck the other day to help me prepare for the upcoming move. Instead of the money I was expecting to be there it came out about $30 less than I expected.

Now, there was a situation where I expected a Paypal payment that still has not arrived. I think it's merely because I misunderstood how they dole them out. I'll probably get the payment in early July for May, not June. (It's frustrating, but it SHOULD enable me to hook up the phone line in my new house.)

But the response I get from the bank is it doesn't cover online transactions or ATMs? What kind of logic is this? Overdraft protection should be there to protect you a little bit from all kinds of errors you make or situations that come up that you don't quite expect like an automatic payment getting withdrawn from your account early.