I put no thought into this

The finest in the inane details and unimportant trials of my life. Sometimes includes real stories that I just can't top by making stuff up.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

   I must admit that golf is one sport I do not personally see the point of.  Mark Twain called it the unnecessary interruption of a perfectly good walk and if you wanted to hit something with a stick there seem to be far many better opportunities available.

    Yet it seems to me that the vast majority of people using the Internet would not be likely to play golf, although this may be changing as the Internet has long been a haven for everybody instead of just nerds and technogeeks.  But the Internet is hardly the realm of the corporate professional where thousands of Dilbert fans are waiting to mock him at every corner. It just seems that golf advertisements seem to be a waste of the publisher's money, especially since I've clicked on some accidentally. It's not like fencing that I plan to take up eventually as soon as some financial and transportation issues are settled, it's something that fails to interest me completely.

    Perhaps this will continue to be one of those mysteries like why people continue to watch televised golf.

powered by performancing firefox

Thursday, October 26, 2006

   After months of searching, I have finally found an offline blogging tool that works with Blogger Beta.   While I was happy with Qumana, Qumana has not caught up to the needs of the new blogger yet and I hope they will do so in time.  In the meantime, Performancing, which is a plug in for the popular Firefox browser (I don't know if a version exists for Iceweasel users) seems to be filling the role admirably.

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Just testing something here, don't worry folks.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Spanish King denies shooting drunk bear

Honestly, I'm undecided as to whether this really happened or not. Yeah, it's bizarre enough that I could see it happening, I could also see someone doing it just to make the King of Spain look bad. On the other hand, I didn't know Spain had a king until I saw this article on PeoplePC's strange news links today.