I put no thought into this

The finest in the inane details and unimportant trials of my life. Sometimes includes real stories that I just can't top by making stuff up.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Gloria, the Toilet Paper Monitor

        I've come to give this title to a coworker, because she feels it is here duty to let me know when the woman's restroom, is in her opinion, low on toilet paper.    Among her other charming personality traits is her general bossiness.  She's not even a manger, she's just old, bossy, and cranky.
       Now, while this is unfortunately part of my job, this woman seems to have an unusual opinion of when it needs to be changed.    Often, I find it'll be good for another day without my interevention.   I don't much care for her attitude, but I'm too much of a coward to come out and tell her how I feel about her methods, and if I wanted to do it tactfully, I lack the political skills.
   No, instead I've decided to mock her about it in such a way that she hasn't caught on yet, and I don't think she will.   For the time being, I've hid my sarcastic nature from my co-workers wishing to avoid getting in trouble.  Yet, I take some grim satisfaction in smirking at her and asking her to inform me if, indeed, the women's restroom needs toilet paper.  I'm glad the men aren't this picky.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Phantasy Star

       I've wanted to play the original Phantasy Star for a long time.  I've been a fan of the series ever since playing III on the Genesis, and became a much bigger fan after picking up the second.  I'm glad the fourth and final game in the series did not continue the trend starting in three, but rather picked up in the style of the second.
     Now, since the original was published for the Master System, I'd pretty much given up as they're aren't a lot of them out there and even fewer copies of the game.  Fortunately, some publisher for the game boy picked up one through three and put them out as the Phantasy Star collection.   So, I've been playing through the first.
       And of course, we now have this syndrome.  This game was great when it first came out.  It was in fact the firsrt computer rpg of its type, but the graphics and for that matter greater plot of today's games simply blow it out of the water.  Nevertheless, I'm enjoying it in the same campy way people enjoy the Evil Dead movies.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Ran across this little gem the a few days ago...

Toon Disney is now showing -- of all things -- the Dungeons & Dragons cartoon. Now, I always thought Disney tried to unobjectionable programming that wouldn't give people fits. While I see nothing wrong with this old cartoon, I can only imagine some Christian groups out there throwing hairy catfits about it. I'd far more expect Cartoon Network to air this bit of 80's nostalgia.

Well, I don't go looking for people complaining about Disney's programming schedule. My only complaint about Disney programs at all is the tend to have the same bland cookie-cutter mold and too easily fall into the same plots. Sure, you know what to expect, but rarely do you get high quality out of something Disney makes. (There are of course, exceptions.) Of course, I find cartoons elsewhere to be funnier too, with the noted exception of Dave the Barbarian.

I'm glad to see this show back for a little while. I remember watching it late mornings on CBS when I was younger. Although I now play D&D, what I play bears little resemblance to what you'd see here, given that 2 and a half editions have gone through since then and the company that made the game originally was bought out and that company was in turn bought out by Hasbro.

Still, I can't help but wonder if someone, somewhere, started a petition to remove it from the Disney channel, like the idiot who tried to get the director of The Two Towers to change the film's name because it was offensive after September 11.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

What's the deal with coffee?

I suppose it's time I got around to updating this. I've been somewhat busy lately and simply haven't had the time I like to devote to blogging. But the one thing I can't figure out is why people love coffee so much.

There's a crew of older folks who come in every morning, sit around for an hour or so and as far as I can tell only order coffee. Now, I'm certain McDonald's isn't the only place in town to buy cofffee or even the best place. I can understand not wanting to order from our extremely high cholestrol breakfast menu. (I could probably do without the bacan, egg & cheese sandwiches I have on my break while i"m there myself), but it seems there are other places they could get it. Of course, they're friendly enough and not rude. If I were the owner, I'd be grateful they chose to buy coffee from my establishment, but I'm just a slightly-above-minimum wage employyee.

What is more is that coffee is a foul tasting beverage to begin with. I don't see why anyone wants to drink it. There are more flavorful ways to get caffeine, and I'm not sure the health benefits of drinking coffee are all that great even if it's how Americans get most of their beta carotene.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

I'm not sure how to handle this

I subscribe to a traffic monitoring service. It's not because I'm paranoid, it's just because I enjoy seeing what sort of things lead people to my website. I can't say I'm happy about it. Apparently some idiot who spammed my site with advertisements for sites of a nature that I dare not mention keeps coming up.

Should I delete the comments all? I'm not sure that would help as the damage has been done and the site's been searched via Google's blog search that way. On the other hand, it has been directing quite a bit of traffic to this completely unrelated site. I just wish I could look at the list without worrying about who might be looking over my shoulder.