Yay, the Superbowl is over.
I'm afraid I can't beat the real life article I posted yesterday no matter how hard I tried. Still, however, it is a good time of the year to celebrate. No, it's not because my birthday occurs this Friday, but because there's no more football until June at least.
I may be one of the few people who doesn't like football, but one thing that amazes me about the superbowl is how people spend hours on pre-game shows (I think the records is 12) for an event that lasts about 3 hours only because the game itself gets drawn out. Does anyone on Earth care that much about football? Of course no one forces me to watch, but do I really have to watch poor TV elsewhere simply because no one has the guts to put anything entertaining on opposite the superbowl?
I call on some brave courageous person out there to realize that the small segment of people who do not watch the Super bowl is still a much larger segment of the population than those who willing willingly watch 12 hours of football specials with lame comedic elements.
I may be one of the few people who doesn't like football, but one thing that amazes me about the superbowl is how people spend hours on pre-game shows (I think the records is 12) for an event that lasts about 3 hours only because the game itself gets drawn out. Does anyone on Earth care that much about football? Of course no one forces me to watch, but do I really have to watch poor TV elsewhere simply because no one has the guts to put anything entertaining on opposite the superbowl?
I call on some brave courageous person out there to realize that the small segment of people who do not watch the Super bowl is still a much larger segment of the population than those who willing willingly watch 12 hours of football specials with lame comedic elements.
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