I put no thought into this

The finest in the inane details and unimportant trials of my life. Sometimes includes real stories that I just can't top by making stuff up.

Friday, January 27, 2006

I hate that

At timnes I feel like Andy Rooney running this site, picking something to complain about every time I decide to write something on this blog. In fact, I can't even say I'm much like Andy Rooney for I'm much younger and I know people find him funny. The best I can say is that maybe one or two random people are aware of my effort here.

At least I have the joy of writing to sustain me even if no one ever reads this. It's not that I maintain blogs for other people, I maintain them to support my own writing habit, which while cheap can be very time consuming. Although I would like very much to be able to make a living blogging, so far I have not been able to pull such a feat off. If anyone has any advice on how to do this, feel free to contact me.

And if you have a day job that requires lots of typing which I'd probably be good at, e-mail me.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Time to post some more

At first I thought it would be hard to keep a blog of random and unimportant thoughts no one would care about up, but as it turns out it's been quite easy. All I have to do is share some unimportant detail of my otherwise irrelevant life and I don't really care if anyone reads it or not.

Neat how that works, huh? Of course, this seems to be the very essence of the blogosphere in general. People you never will meet and probably would find creepy if you did sharing either their opinions (See also politicalhacks.blogspot.com for some of mine) or stories. In the worst case they are sharing poetry that no one in their right mind would want to read, or stories written even more badly than this little post.

Some people might say I'm being mean-spirited, but I have not excluded myself from the general low quality of writing found throughout the blogosphere. It's not that I actually think I write that bad, it's just that I don't want to come off as arrogant when my current goal is to be sarcastic.

So thanks for taking a few minutes out of your time to read what I have to say and get back to work, you slacker!

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

This is not the job you are looking for

Unfortunately, I didn't get the position as a security guard after all. I guess I'll just have to continue to persue getting disability for now. I'd rather work if I can, but things do not seem to be working that way for me. It's not that I want to take the easier way out, it's just that I've tried very hard and never gotten anywhere.

Ever have those days when you feel like the universe is conspiring against you? It's a feeling which I am unfortunately all too familiar with. Things haven't been going well for a while and while a lot of it is my fault, some of it is just rotten luck and dealing with extremely disorganized, stupid, and/or corrupt people.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Not inspiring confidence

My new boss seems to be one of the most disorganized people I've ever met. And I'm not an organized person myself. So far, he's forgotten a training day, and then failed to get two messages to me telling me I didn't need to come in that night. I realize I should be grateful to even have a job, but something about this guy just makes me wonder if he's all there.

I think we've all had bosses like this once or twice, but many times it's just our own dislike of the person rather than an impression that the person actually is disorganized and we can't understand how he got the current position. Okay, so this is the first time it has happened to me and I'm not sure I like the feeling.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

First Post

As blogger is the only software that allows me to place ads other than their own to support their site that I've uncovered. (Google tries to push Adsense and than bans most people from what I've heard.) I've moved from blogstream to over here. You can read inaneramblings.blogstream.com to get the general idea of what this will be about.

For the most part, it's random nonsense of no consequence whatsoever where I shall tell you about how much my life really does stink.