I've been a fan of RPGs for a long time, but the current trend
is towards the action RPGs. While there is one big advantage over the
action rpg compared to the random encounters that are in more
traditional RPGs, there is a glaring design flaw in them.
I don't play console rpgs to have my coordination tested. In
fact, the one nice thing about the rpg is that you could be fairly
good at them and not have to worry about how well you can press those
buttons. Action rpgs take this element away.
While I have beat some games that require coordination, Sonic
the Hedgehog, Mechassault I & II, Halo, Aerial Assault, Aerial
Combat, and Crimson Skies (I might as well add Jade Empire to the
list), I have a difficult time with them.
And the reasn I probably prefer shooters is because they don't
require complex manuevers typical of the fighting games. Just point
and click. To be fair Crimson Skies does have some controller tricks,
but you can beat the game without them. But even here, a company
called Rockstar games has felt the need to complicate matters. I've
only played one of their titles, Red Dead Revolver, and didn't care
for it. Yes, it was a decent attempt at spaghetti westerns in a video
game, but were the duel scenes or trickshots to beat some opponents
really necessary?
So, console rpg makers let's see more games done in the style of
Knights of the Old Republic where you don't need coordination, there
really aren't random encounters, and with decent gameplay and
storyline. And if you make a shooter, don't feel the need to put
Mortal Kombat style moves in.