I put no thought into this

The finest in the inane details and unimportant trials of my life. Sometimes includes real stories that I just can't top by making stuff up.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Shows from our childhood

I had the good fortune to come across the original Batman movie yesterday. I don't mean the one done in the late 80's that tried to capture the film noir feeling you actually do get in the comic books. (And even more so with the Detective comics version.) No, I mean the campy 60's version complete with Adam West.

Now, I always thought the 60's Batman series was campy and horrible, but there are shows that I used to love that don't hold up as well now that I'm older. Perhaps the best example of this is The Smurfs. I used to watch this faithfully every Saturday morning as every child of the 80's did I'm sure. We'd thrill to their adventures and booed Gargamel. Coming back to it more than 20 years later, I find it hard not to cheer for Gargamel and hope one day he'll get those annoying blue mushroom dwellers.

I think it's simply a case of our tastes changing as we get older. While the Smurfs was fine back then, it's simply horrible to me today. I wonder if I'd find other shows I used to watch like The Masters of the Universe, the Transformers, and GI Joe the same way today. Somehow, I think I'd still like the Transformers, as giant robots are cool and all. (See the thread two pages down) but I'm not so sure about the Masters of the Universe.

Well, I hope this post has left you as confused as I am trying to wade through it, but this blog isn't supposed to make a lot of sense.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Grrr... this made me mad

Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't stores have to give you an item at the lowest marked price by law? I went into a convenience store the other day, got a fountain soda and a hot dog, which were advertised for $1.99. When the cashier wrong them up, she wrung them up for $2.53 before taxes. I pointed out the error and she brought someone else in.

Instead of correcting the mistake, she tells me I should have read the sign from the front (excuse me, but it doesn't work this way you stupid twit) and that she couldn't ring them up for the advertised price.

I said forget it and then she tried to wring them up again. I told her she was wrong. She said she wasn't. (Even though she was.) I told her by law she was wrong and left the cup and hot dog on the counter and left.

Normally, I'd be on the poor CSR's side, but this woman made some key errors, including arguing with the customer and not honoring the sign regardless of whether or not the store believed people should read the front of it only. (Excuse me, but the other side was plainly visible and you are bound by law to honor it.) I doubt the woman will get fired as I do not plan on pushing the incident, but I'm not eager to go back to that store again.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

I Dig Giant Robots

I should probably stop watching cartoons, but I still enjoy them. There was one particular gem on the Cartoon Network that I don't think they should have cancelled so prematurely. The show was called Megas XLR.

While the show was not the funniest cartoon I've ever seen, it's the only one I can see having somewhat real characters. The Hero of the show is a gearhead who essentially finds a giant robot in a junkyard and makes modifications. I know people in real life who would treat such technology that way.

One of the best episodes is when he takes his giant robot, with the flame paint job and Mustang head (which were not original equipment) to a truck show to show it off. Now, they end up getting attacked by aliens and having to save the city, but when they end up saving the city it's usually accidental and causes destruction to everything around it.

The show had a quality that few shows possess. Sure, it's a fantastic situation, but it's one of the first to ask "What would real people do with a giant robot?" We need more answers to this question.

Thursday, March 16, 2006


I don't have much to share today. It's not like you'd care about it anyway. It seems my feet are adjusting to the amount of walking they have to do and the "knot" I felt in my left foot has gone away. Now all I have to do is wait for it to warm up again.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Beware the Ides of March

I've been having a hard time writing anything coherent lately and while for this little blog, it really does not matter as it contains my inane ramblings, I'd like to feel what I offer you is at least of mediocre quality, but I'm not even acheiving that.

On a side note, today for me was a holiday. I like to feel that the Ides of March is a special day for some reason, even though celebrating a cold blooded murder is kind of an odd thing. It's kind of like a negative holiday in which I feel the need to tell everyone to watch themselves on that day.

Of course, it's not as cool as wearing a black arm band for extra credit in Latin, but it's still cool none the less. Some people feel that St. Patrick's Day is more important, but I disagree. It's just more celebrated. A lot of people in America have some Irish ancestry, but it takes real courage to celebrate an event that happened over 2000 years ago that you probably have no ancestral connection to.

Monday, March 13, 2006


The nice days continue. I think spring is here to stay and one thing that comes with spring is the ability to wear sandals once again. Nothing like not having your feet stuffed in shoes and socks and lettting them breathe. I wonder why we don't see them more often. True, sneakers and steel toed boots are more protective and of course, as far as work goes there are often health concerns about employees being in bear feet, but shouldn't we see them during warm weather on people outside?

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Whining -- is it productive?

I was going to regale you with a post about how my feet hurt, but it's really not that important. It's just a consequence from being on them all day.

For some reason I got hot as the day went on. I think it's just that time of year where it's too cold for the air conditioning to turn on and too warm for the heat to turn off. Worked it out and eventually got through the day.

Things could be going a lot worse. I'm glad the day is over for now.

Saturday, March 11, 2006


Ah, another nice spring day! I hope many more are on the way. It was a busy day that I was glad to have eventually end. It's warm enough that after work I slipped into a pair of sandals before I got home from work. Before you know it will be shorts weather. I guess I'm getting repetitive but the return of spring always puts me in a good mood. After all I made it through the drudgery that is winter and I now reap the rewards of living through the bleak season.

In a few more weeks, will set the clock ahead and the start of the baseball season will remind us more than the first robin we see that winter is indeed over.

Friday, March 10, 2006

I love people

If you look at the last post, you'll find 20 versions of the same comment by your. I'd warn you not to click on his links if you have an objection to adult material. I could go through and delete all of them, but it's too nice of a day for me to be spending too much time on the Internet.

I don't expect to see your back again as he was simply advertising his own unique blogs that I do not intend to visit, but some of them may be good for a laugh. It kind of reminds me of when I moderated an Everquest message board and had those Sullon Zek idiots post pictures from porn sites. There were a lot of bannings from the board administrator that morning, and a few days later all the Sullon Zek people were banned from EZboard.

In any case, it's a nice spring day and I think I'm going to go for a walk. May the force be with you.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Yesterday was payday and I suppose that makes a crappy job all worth it. No, not it doesn't. It just reminds me that they're not paying me enough to be up that early and do that ridiculous work. Someone really needs to think about what they're doing there and stop early morning truck unloadings.

On the other hand it looks like it'll be a slightly rainy but warm day in early March. It may be a good day to go out and enjoy it for a change.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

You know I can't really think of anything to post today so I'll just write this little paragraph and give up.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Oh Goody, I've won

I really hate Yahoo's new policy of letting advertisers pay to let spam mail through to your inbox. I don't want to read most of it in the first place, that's why I continually flag it as spam. I'm sure they'll eventually let may pay to get my e-mail box back the way it was, but at least my e-mail account is not to the point where it's unusuable, like Netscape's was because I'd get 500 spam mails a day.

Anyway, greeting me right at the top of an inbox was a message saying congratulations I've won and telling me it was the 3rd Notice. I opened the e-mail only to find it was blank, so I don't even know what I won. Perhaps I won the honor of getting spam e-mail from whoever sent this, although their advertisement if it had been there would have been much more effective. So, I'll have to bask in the joy of whatever it was I won, even though I don't know what it is.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Shamrock Shakes

I wish McDonald's would sell shamrock shakes year round and call them mint instead. There's definitely a market for them, although I think I see why they limit it to St. Patrick's Day. There's just something delicious about the minty shake concoction. In fact the only way they could improve it is by combining it with some chocolate chip flavorings. That might be a little difficult and then it'd become a mint chocolate chip shake.

Well, I suppose that little paragraph was not as interesting as I thought it would be. Forgive me, I've had a long day and once again it started early. Perhaps it could have been better if I started earlier.

Friday, March 03, 2006

It looks like I haven't updated this in a while

Sorry about that. I don't know if this site has any loyal readers, somehow I doubt it. Still, the more I write the more likely someone is to notice this, or at least I hope that's how it works. I can't be entirely sure.

Job is going well except it starts far too early. I've never been much of a morning person to begin with and this 5:00 a.m. thing has to stop. I can't think of when I've been more eager to lose a job. It may be easy but it's incredibly boring. Well, only a few more weeks before I can get a car or at least I hope so. That'll be a big step forward for me.

I promise to bring more exciting updates that you don't really care about soon.